Thursday, February 1, 2007


Your comfort with a new craft is admirable.

I took a closer look at the door sketch. Just remember to let it be loose (not luce).

The idea of the SALT Lab is experimentation; not categorization.

I like the freedom of what you were working on when I was there.

Try not to compartmentalize the composition too much in order to leave to door ‘free’ to suggest the content of the room.

Good luck.

jennifer luce

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Door Sketch


Today, Mark gave me an introduction to welding. The first few pictures are taken when I was practicing welding. When I was more confortable with my welding, I welded the door. I installed the door and it fits quiet well, the top right of the door requires a minor adjustment. Tomorrow I will begin to construct the housing for the lock unit, and begin to divide my frames into panels.

    Tuesday, January 30, 2007

    After Rembrandt's death an inventory of the artist's work listed it as a portrait of an alchemist. In the early eighteenth century it was thought to portray Johann Faust, a sixteenth-century magician who, according to legend, sold his soul to the devil.


    "Alchemy is the old science of struggling with Materials,
    and not quite understanding what is happening."

    (Elkins, What Painting Is)

    Alchemist -Adrian Jansz van Ostade's 1661

    "The Alchemist in Search of the Philosophers Stone"

    Joseph Wright's (1771)

    Alchemical symbol

    Alchemical element salt, one of the three alchemical principals, with sulfur and mercury that makes up base material.
    It is analogous to the human body.

    Alchemical element Sulfur, which is analogous (similar) to the human soul.
    Alchemically, sulfur has the qualities of masculine, hot and dry- combined with Mercury (feminine, cool and moist), the pair were considered the parents of all metals.

    Alchemical drawings often portray Sulfur as the sun. (In some views, sulfur and salt are the parents of Mercury) The symbol of sulfur is often used as an identifying symbol by many Satanists. This glyph is often referred to incorrectly as the "pontifical cross of Satan" by tract writers, due to its adoption as an emblem of Satanism by Anton LeVey.

    Other names for mercury were quicksilver and hydrargyum.
    Mercury represented the integrative force, dynamic equilibrium, and circulation.

    Copper Alchemy SymbolCopper - Alchemical Symbol
    Todd Helmenstine
    Copper Alchemy Symbol

    Locksmith to the rescue

    Thanks to the locksmith I finally understood how the intricate lock works.
    Now, I know the dimensions and exact position to place the locking unit and drill in the proper holes. Tomorrow I can weld the frame together and begin to construct the skeleton for the panels.

    Monday, January 29, 2007


    Stomp - Copper

    Robert Rauschenberg have transferred images on to a sheet of copper, however these images were flat and only existed on the 2 dimensional surfaces. A door is something that requires touch, it is a dynamic experience that requires one to reach out, to feel and interact.

    Above pictures are the results of placing objects beneath the copper panel and transferring the form and shape directly to the surface of the panel by stomping. This technique allows me to transfer 3 dimensional objects on to the surface of the panel and embed the form of the object into the copper. When I flipped the panel, I was amazed by the beautiful marks that were imprinted on the back side of the copper panel. I have captured the positive and negative’s of the objects that was once beneath the copper panel.

    Testing 1

    The Moment of Truth.

    I have removed the very heavy metal door, so I could check if the member I made is drilled and tapped at the correct location for the hinges. The result was amazing, the hinge location were correct and precise. The biggest challenge was to reinstall the original steel door back on to the hinges. The door was extremely heavy and was impossible to hold up and line up with the hinges. There were boxes of old novels, I took two books and used it to jack the door up to the proper height. It took few tries to find the correct amount of pages that’s equivalent level the door with the hinges. So the door hinge locations are no longer an issue, the next challenge is finding the correct location and understanding how to remove and install the locking unit.

    Sunday, January 28, 2007

    Process of exposing " Blueprint Paper "

    obert Rauschenberg painting with light. His blueprints are early evidence of his desire to portray the beauty of natural forms and beings.

    Photography is a process of finding and seeing an image and capturing it quickly.

    Rauschenberg's blueprints progresses slowly in time, the objects to make up the image are placed directly on to the photosensitive paper. One has to imagine the composite result of the process because only faint images in reverse will appear in the ligh-exposed area.